First off we have Double Shadow:
At first I assumed it was bad due to a bland intro, but then it just releases into a very smooth and sexy track with nice vocals and cool drum beats. I would give it a ten if the intro wasnt so blah, but its nonetheless amazing so it gets a 8.5/10.
Next on the list is The Equalizer:
Its more popish than anything else, but it has some great electro riffs. I rather like the track to be honest. The only downside is that its too poppy sometimes. Regardless, I give it a 8/10.
First Time:
This is the most dissappointing song of the track. The vocals dont work, and the beats are ish at best. Very odd track really. 5/10.
Count Souvenirs:
Very Cool track indeed. The beats are very good with a great vocal piece to work with it. Its sounds very tronish in some parts. (When i mean tron, i mean the 80s movie) I give it a 9.0/10.
In the Morning:
This is probably the heaviest track on here. At the same time, it is also my Favorite Track on here. The beats are very catchy and it gives such a wide atmospheric feel to it. I would give it a 1 million but I cant so 10/10.
So This is Goodbye:
As the main track labeled on the CD, i would've expected something great from it. And i was right: it didn't fail to disappoint me at all. The whole thing sounds stellar. SO much so, i sometimes wonder if i am actually tripping out. This is the most electro (in my opinion) of all the tracks. It has flare. It has Style. Its Out of this world. 10/10
Like a Child:
Sounds very similar to In the morning with a DJ Hell-esque feel to it. There are lots of noticeable differences i dont have time to mention, but it has the same feel. I dont like it as much as In the Morning though.8/10
Caught in a Wave:
Reminds me a lot of the Basic Slack Mix of The Legacy theme, just not as electro or flangy. I think its cool, but the vocals are unnecessary in this track.I give it a 7.5/10
When No One Cares:
Quite possibly the slowest song on here. Not very electro or poppy. Just a lot of piano and instrumental fading. 6/10
Meh. Thats all i have to say really. It has a decent beat, but its just too slow and the voice makes it too dull. 7/10
Pros: Its very smooth and has sweet beats in it that makes you relax and hypnotized.
Cons: Its NOT a headbanger album, so it is a disappointment for people who are justice and Boys Noize fanatics. Some of the songs are a dull and can lead to boredom.
Overall score: 8/10
Now for my picks:
Happy Holidays Everyone,
hot chip made a great remix of in the morning you shoul post it too
heh i know. I have the bonus remix cd with the album. I was just too lazy to post the mixes
lil late to the party on the JB's guy
whoa thanks for exposing me to junior boys
living on mars? why post this
"You're probably wondering: who the HELL are Junior Boys?"
"They have that kind of fell to them that is very reminiscent of DJ Hell"
Been listening to the boys for year but who's DJ Hell?
Wow, I really like them! One question though; Why did you review there 2006 album and not their 2009 album?
Because Its the only album i have. That and a album review doesnt mean i have to do one on a new one. Look at modjo for example
fucking brilliant post, once again guys. Junior Boys are amazing!
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