Thursday, 31 March 2011


So we all heard SebastiAn's new track 'Embody', and it was met with resounding pleasure. Honestly, I wasn't impressed. It was really lacking the unique SebastiAn sound, and kinda sounded like watered-down Justice. I like the track, but it really didn't DO it for me, you know? So when I was in my typing class this morning (fff jjj fff jjj ddd kkk asdf jkl; it's required for my certificate) and i wandered onto Facebook and saw that Ed Banger has posted a link to the new Kavinsky remix of the track, I was rather excited - Kavinsky ALWAYS does it for me. I was in no way disappointed.

2011 is rapidly turning out to be much better than 2010.

1 comment:

Silverdust said...

Both versions are simply epic!