It's been a hectic few weeks but hey, I just remembered I write things for the internet about music or something, I should probably get back on that. You know what annoys me a teeny tiny bit? when you sink some money into a new release from your favourite artist and then 3 months later they re-release the same thing with about 3 or so extra tracks pinned onto the end, or even worse, re-issue their first album with a track from their mediocre second effort slapped on the end for no reason at all! (looking at you there, Pendulum). Now, while it is a pretty annoying tactic to squeeze more dollars out of you, I've managed to dodge it a few times and pick up some sweet bonus tunes.

First up is everybody's favourite Norwegians, Röyksopp. I picked up their second album,
The Understanding way, way after release, but to my surprise my local record joint still had shelves of a special edition for cheaper than the vanilla album. I promptly snapped it up and was treated to a few pretty amazing tracks, check 'em.
Stickin' in Northen Europe we take a trip to Sweden. Yep, it's Knife time once again. Turns out that like Röyksopp's deal, there are tons of special editions of their third outing
Silent Shout floating around. For the price of a normal album I got
Silent Shout, A live audio recording of their show AND the live DVD too! but enough about bargains there are some pretty sweet tunes in here too, some that I prefer more to the normal album ones.

Moving west towards my neck of the woods, Simian Mobile Disco's second album
Temporary Pleasure had a nifty special edition that looks pretty cool, but good luck getting that round tin to stand up and fit in with the rest of your collection (trust me). Anyways all the bonuses are basically precursors to the more techno styled stuff they'd explore on their third album,
Delicacies. Here are my favourites.
And finally: Goldie. Every single pressing of
Timeless I've ever seen had a different tracklist: some have 6, some have 8, some have the same tracks but under different names and so on. I lucked out when I scooped the Limited Edition pressing which is about 2 hours long and a whopping 12 tracks. With a lil' help from Moving Shadow founder Rob Playford, Goldie knocks out some proper top notch old school Drum & Bass, be sure to check it out.
And once again I leave you all to your own devices, I'll try not to be as long next time but for now enjoy the musics and take care. I'll see ya when I come back around.
The Price Is Right,
- Claude Van Foxbat